Fake Bag small

€70,95 Sale Save
Fake Bag small
Fake Bag small
Fake Bag small
Fake Bag small
Fake Bag small
Fake Bag small

Fake Bag small

€70,95 Sale Save

You‘re new everydayessential bag, is made of strong canvas and is very robust. Wear our small Tote Bag to gym class, school, grocery shopping etc.

This Bag is a perfect featuring with our large accessory bag

Fabric 100% Cotton

Size and Fit Heigh 30cm x Width 53cm Handels 60cm


Hand wash cold, wash inside out

Shipping policy We are a Swiss based company and ship worldwide!

CH delivery

Standart delivery - free shipping within 3 to 7 working days

Signature delivery - CHF 2.- registered within 3 to 7 working days

DE delivery

Standart delivery - free shipping within 3 to 7 working days, without taxes and duties

International delivery

Europa - CHF 5.- up to 10 working days

Rest of the World - CHF 15.- up to 15 working days